Thursday 10 November 2011

Why Are Georeferenced Geological Maps Important For Petroleum Exploration?

By Helan Meher

I'm certain you all must have read about geological maps. These geological maps are well-structured geographical records that make use of a systematic system of colors along with, special symbols for denoting a particular location. When geographical surveys are performed on selected regions of a community, metropolis or a state and, the recorded information is preserved as tabulated pages, for further reference, it's named georeferenced geological map. These georeferenced geological maps are very important from the geographical plus topographic viewpoint.

Georeferenced geological maps supply information on mineral reserves, soil structure, energy resources, plant and animal fossils, water bodies, woodlands, hills, major structures, natural landscapes, man-made structures, major roads, sea routes and other such topographical features.

Generally, these georeferenced geological maps are utilized for searching the natural resources present on the earth crust. In the following paragraphs, we will concentrate on using these maps for petroleum exploration.

As everyone knows, the term petroleum has been derived from a Latin word that means "Liquid gold". Petroleum is a widespread fossil fuel manufactured from the relics of historical animals and plants. When these living being expired, their bodies were afflicted by intense heat and pressure, inside the earth crust, over the centuries. Due to result of these heat and pressure forces, their carcasses were transformed into petroleum and coal. As a consequence, petroleum was made.

These days, petroleum is used as an important fuel for driving cars and machines in the factories. There are particular locations on earth that hold petroleum supplies. This fuel is produced onshore as well as offshore. Every year, numerous entrepreneurs invest their money in the coal and petroleum business. So, they should have updated info on these natural stocks. Consequently, they utilize geological maps for petroleum exploration.

The geological maps utilized for petroleum exploration illustrate principal petroleum containing zones of the world. Majority of the information utilized in drawing these geological maps is obtained by doing surveys in various regions. Moreover, the images captured by meteorological satellites is also useful for future reference. These maps emphasize some facts that must be considered while setting up oil refineries in these locations. Consequently, students, investigators as well as professionals utilize these geological maps for collecting information and facts.

Hence, many people who deal with coal and petroleum consider these georeferenced geological maps for petroleum exploration. Your bucks are precious, you just can't invest in any place. The costs of setting up refineries and mines is very high hence, businessmen should utilize these geological maps very carefully.

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