Sunday, 8 January 2012

Don't Waste Your Cash - Purple Digital Camera Review

By Olivia Gonzalez

I am now about to go and buy a new camera, feeling sorry for my Mum for wasting her money! I bought this for my daughter's birthday.

The biggest issues I had were with the awful picture quality, the panorama being difficult to operate, and not being able to control settings such as image size. The user manual was NOT helpful, except to tell me that I couldn't change the settings I wanted to change. If you already are familiar with digital cameras, then one could possibly figure this one out, but instructions basically told you how to open up and charge the battery, nothing about the different modes, and had to go on line to find some adequate instructions. Amazon still has the best deals and pricing for cameras.

This camera is truly garbage. The Olympus Stylus was the only camera I owned that cracked its LCD - and it didn't even fall.

This camera worked only once half through my Maui vacation. Took some great pictures and videos in the water then suddenly would not turn on after I shoot some pictures in the water. I left the water and dried off the camera and discovered that salt water had gotten in to the battery compartment and shorted everything out. The other camera had survived the fall from the car, grade IV whitewater inside and outside my life vest and multiple underwater uses. I use to have an older model of the stylus, was the 810 and I had it for several season out in the field. I got stolen after about 6 years. The quality of photos is great. I love it. The camera was constantly covered in dew, rained on, and had a 35 pound backpack lying on top of it. Despite all of that, it worked flawlessly. Wouldn't you want to know all that it does" This camera does a lot.

I've used it in all the extreme conditions that it was meant to be used in. I've gotten many compliments on my pictures and videos and overall I really do love the camera.

The instructions provided with the camera, as well as the camera itself, are targeted toward PC users. There are no instructions with the camera, and none I can find so far online, for Mac users.

It's pretty sturdy and thicker than the last one I had but it is still very light. I have not yet tested the waterproofing yet, nor dropped it on purpose because I would rather not scratch it. Great price and I like the color choice I made. Highly recommend this camera for the adventurous.

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