There are some people who are wondering what e-Discovery is, but this isn't necessarily be the question you ought to be asking as it's more a matter of what e-Discovery can really offer.
The Approach to Manage and Identify Evidence
The first step of computer forensics, otherwise known as the digital forensics, is always the start of the e-Discovery process. The initial extraction of the computer's hard drive data is simply by using the special software and computers to copy and archive all files on a computer onto another computer. Afterwards, this will be sent away to an e-Discovery provider which will then extract relevant data from the information provided.
The files provided can extend into hundreds of gigabytes, and so, the client is usually requested to provide for relevant files, keywords, email addresses, external addresses, numbers and anything else that could be construed as relevant. Usually from within intuitive and easy to use software, once the data is officially and confidentially extracted, it will then be sent back to the clients for them to assess and will then be used as evidence.
It is potentially possible to complete e-Discovery work on your own premises for 100% security for you, and this is despite all care that is taken to ensure that all data is kept confidential. Visiting the company who are looking to entrust the work to and to hopefully get to see some of their practices in action, is always a good idea, and this is although obviously ,you probably won't be allowed to get too close due to the delicacy of the information that the company will be carrying.
Throughout the world, e-Discovery is becoming increasingly popular and this is even a lawful requirement in some instances. e-Discovery is the upcoming and the innovative new face of evidence gathering and information extraction.
The Approach to Manage and Identify Evidence
The first step of computer forensics, otherwise known as the digital forensics, is always the start of the e-Discovery process. The initial extraction of the computer's hard drive data is simply by using the special software and computers to copy and archive all files on a computer onto another computer. Afterwards, this will be sent away to an e-Discovery provider which will then extract relevant data from the information provided.
The files provided can extend into hundreds of gigabytes, and so, the client is usually requested to provide for relevant files, keywords, email addresses, external addresses, numbers and anything else that could be construed as relevant. Usually from within intuitive and easy to use software, once the data is officially and confidentially extracted, it will then be sent back to the clients for them to assess and will then be used as evidence.
It is potentially possible to complete e-Discovery work on your own premises for 100% security for you, and this is despite all care that is taken to ensure that all data is kept confidential. Visiting the company who are looking to entrust the work to and to hopefully get to see some of their practices in action, is always a good idea, and this is although obviously ,you probably won't be allowed to get too close due to the delicacy of the information that the company will be carrying.
Throughout the world, e-Discovery is becoming increasingly popular and this is even a lawful requirement in some instances. e-Discovery is the upcoming and the innovative new face of evidence gathering and information extraction.
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