Thursday 19 July 2012

How to Care for Fouls

By Jonathan Westmore

It's generally fascinating to see newborn babies in the lives of your cherished horses. It's important to discover how to care for the little ones immediately since there are a lot of things to know.

Whilst the mother is trying to give birth to the newborn, she should be well tended. Diet regime is an essential aspect and you want to make sure that she is getting all the healthy nutrients during her pregnancy. Always speak to your vet if you have never looked after a pregnant horse mother or a newborn foul before.

When it's time for the foul to be born, you need to help as much as you can, but mostly you want to stay out of the way.

Ask your vet about horse pregnancy - what are the recommended things to be done and what is normal or not. If the mother needs it, be sure you're ready to help. You should have prepared for this by talking to your vet and by having things on hand that you might need.

When it's time for the mommy to give birth, should you not 'need to help, you still want to be accessible just in case.

Just watch the relationship between the mother and the foul from a far range. Sometimes, that's the most effective way to care for them. It's best to just let them be, most of the time. Be discrete if you would like help. And only do the stuff you truly know how to do.

Equine Care: Protection Against Diseases

In most cases, many owners are finding it difficult to get their horses properly vaccinated due to many reasons. However, there are some things I can share to you to ensure that you are vaccinating your horses properly. Some horses needs to be vaccinated throughout their lifetimes while others only need to be vaccinated once. If in case your horse is a colt, be sure to ask your vet of the list of vaccines it will need in his lifetime. Then, you have to be sure that you are doing all of these on time and that you are keeping track of them so you know what your horse has had, and what he has not had.

A problem will arise if you have not had your horse since he was a colt. This means that you are going to have to figure out what vaccinations he has had, and make sure that he gets the ones that he needs as well.

As a horse owner, one of your responsibilities is to make sure that your horse, or any of your animals for that matter, is getting proper vaccinations at the right age.

A vaccination cocktail may be needed if the previous owner doesn't remember the vaccines the horse has already taken. You may talk with your vet about this. If your horses had already had the vaccines and it was reinjected to him again, it usually doesn't cause anything fatal. Also, this assures you that your horses are getting what havent had yet. Therefore, your vet should safely be able to give your horse the shots that he hasn't had, and make sure that he is going to be protected from all kinds of ailments.

It is important that in order to give a healthy life for your horses, they must be properly and timely vaccinated. The easiest way for you to do this is to talk to your vet about what your horse needs, and then follow through with it to make sure that it gets done.

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