Wednesday 8 August 2012

Calcium Deficiency Is not The Trigger Of Osteoporosis

By Anthony Zesker

Calcium deficiency just isn't the reason for osteoporosis ; it is a disease of too much acidity in the body.

The body's means of neutralizing acidity is always to rob calcium and magnesium from your bone because calcium and magnesium are alkalinizing minerals. The acidity will take the calcium and magnesium from your bone after which the man or woman becomes osteopenic or osteoporotic. Minerals within the physique then become depleted and must be replaced, therefore calcium deficiency is produced. Supplementation is excellent, intravenous treatments are far better specially if osteoporosis has previously set in. The very good news is, this problem could be reversed but you will need to take action and work with a Naturopathic physician who gives these treatment options.

Large doses of vitamin C stimulate the immune system, help the liver operate greater and strengthen our adrenals. Higher doses of vitamins can accelerate the effectiveness and effectiveness of organs in the body. This can be enormous because most people having a calcium deficiency have lowered organ function, lowered adrenal function, and sluggish livers. So if by stimulating these organs to function better, people can be helped immensely! Most of the people don't know that vitamin C generates hydrogen peroxide naturally in the entire body that is what is used to fight off foreign invaders in our entire body like bacteria and viruses. Absolutely nothing "anerobic" (any condition) can dwell in an oxygen richatmosphere and there is nothing at all more oxygen rich than hydrogen peroxide!

Which means you could possibly be pondering in regards to calcium deficiency, is it possible to check for mineral depletion?

Yes, you'll be able to do a blood test for mineral depletion. But here's the vicious cycle; the majority of individuals do not have excellent digestive systems, so as a result they don't absorb minerals effectively. The people that are treated with acid blockers for his or her heartburn and GERD will not have sufficient hydrochloric acid within their stomachs, that will result in reduced absorption of minerals. So, many of the men and women out there on Nexium, Prilosec, Aciphex as well as other acid blockers are ultimately going to get mineral depletion problems and in the end a calcium deficiency.

Gut problems, which are developed by a poor diet regime, prescription and over the the counter drugs and alcohol, generate mineral deficiencies which create bone issues, that lead to calcium deficiency and after that more drugs to deal with it! That vicious cycle again, the downward cycle we call aging. But, it is actually not about aging; it is about a lack of understanding that we are living longer lives, and that the body parts must be addressed and listened to and corrected similar to a mechanic tests a vehicle engine on a diagnostics machine and fixes what's broken.

Consider the house you live in or the automobile you drive, if you take care of things in a proactive manner before they become an issue, you lower your expenses, things run smoother plus they can last indefinitely, right? Well, you'll need to start thinking of one's body and its components in the exact same way. Take good care of them and they will take great care of you! Never drink pasteurized milk to acquire your calcium, it'll result in more calcium deficiency. Consume your greens for your hearts content as they are loaded with calcium that gets absorbed immediately in to the entire body. And, incorporate a weight lifting routine, resistance weight programs also can help build sturdy bones. You do not have to lift big weights to help keep calcium deficiency at bay, so get oneself inside the fitness center and get busy, your body will love you for it!

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